Flyn Alexander, LSWAIC, MSW

I am a graduate of the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work (MSW, 2022). I held a clinical internship at Corktown Health, one of the largest growing LGBTQ health organizations in the Detroit metro area. My training and experience center on serving queer and/or transgender clients as well as the partners and family members of queer and/or transgender people.

My approach to therapy is rooted in an anti-oppressive framework that invites clients to challenge the ways we have been socialized within our oppressive racist, ableist, classist, patriarchal cisheteronormative society. I believe it is vitally important to acknowledge the conditions within which we are healing as we identify the focus of our growth. Inspired by the work of bell hooks and Audre Lorde, among others, this approach centers you as your full, authentic self, and your autonomy while we work collaboratively to identify tools and strategies to help you reach your therapy and life goals on your own terms.

In addition to being a social worker and clinician, I am also an educator, facilitator, researcher, community organizer, and writer. Prior to becoming a clinician, I spent ten years working in higher education. I have been involved in various community organizing projects from protests to marches to fundraisers to community events in Detroit and here locally in Vancouver and Portland. I’m currently working on two research projects on transgender and nonbinary healthcare outcomes through the University of Michigan. When I’m not working, I decompress with a nice walk if the weather allows, reading a good book, playing video games, or watching a good show. I also love spending quality time with my partner and my two sweet tabby boys, Harley and Thackry.

Supervision: Flyn works under the supervision of Mackenzie Dunham.

Specialty: Queer and/or transgender youth and adults as well as partners and family members of queer and/or transgender youth and adults. People exploring or practicing non-monogamy.

I am best for people who: are queer and/or transgender. I am also great at working with individuals who want to deconstruct the ways they internalize and externalize oppressive ways of thinking as this relates to gender, sexuality, race, class, ability, and any other context you feel is applicable to your experience of the world.

Telehealth status: Provides telehealth and in-person therapy.

Flyn’s practice is currently full.

Insurance and Rates

Sliding Scale Info: case by case
Insurance Flyn takes: Premera, Molina, Cigna, Lifewise, Optum, United Health Care, Coordinated Care, Providence Preferred, Aetna


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